
标题: 苹果Apple Pay再获40家银行支持 总量近800家 [打印本页]

作者: News    时间: 2015-12-3 10:21
标题: 苹果Apple Pay再获40家银行支持 总量近800家
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苹果移动支付服务Apple Pay周三再获40家美国银行支持,总量接近800家。与此同时,苹果也在准备改进对商户的支持。和近几个月新增的银行合作伙伴一样,最新一批开始支持Apple Pay的银行多数是小型区域性银行,而不是全国性银行。大多数美国主要银行已经在去年年底迅速加入了支持Apple Pay的阵营。

对于苹果来说,对商户的支持一直是一个大问题。尽管苹果Apple Pay已经拥有大量合作伙伴,但是很多商户尚未开始接受Apple Pay支付,原因可能是商户需要升级他们的零售终端系统才能支持基于近场通讯(NFC)的交易。

美国比萨饼品牌达美乐将在今年年底前开始支持Apple Pay。KFC、星巴克等公司将在2016年接受苹果移动支付服务。美国零售商JCPenney目前正在测试Apple Pay支付,明年春天应该会全面支持。


American Heritage Federal Credit Union

Associated Credit Union

Bangor Savings Bank

Bank of Bourbonnais

Bank of Clovis

Bank of the Pacific

Baton Rouge Telco Federal Credit Union


Cardinal Bank

Corning Credit Union

First Financial Credit Union (IL)

First National Bank of Trenton

First Nations Bank

First Republic Bank

Flint Area School Employees Credit Union

Glass City Federal Credit Union

Guaranty Bank and Trust Company

Hawthorn Bank

Hills Bank and Trust Company

Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union

Leader Bank, N.A.

Michigan Tech Employees Federal Credit Union

Midcoast Federal Credit Union

Oatworth Capital Bank

Ohio Valley Bank

Partnership Financial Credit Union

Penn Liberty Bank

Police and Fire Federal Credit Union

Prime Merdian Bank

Reading Cooperative Bank

Republic Bank

Section 705 Federal Credit Union

Secured Advantage Federal Credit Union

Southern Bank

Southwest Missouri Bank


West Plains Bank and Trust Company

WesTex Federal Credit Union

Wilmington Savings Fund Society


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