
标题: 【英语】20240510 [打印本页]

作者: Patrickol    时间: 2024-9-30 19:58
标题: 【英语】20240510
Job market embraces students returning from overseas
The spring breeze brings another job hunting season in China, along with more job hunters freshly graduated from overseas universities.
Zhu Yangjian, a Chinese student studying at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan, has been looking at a website of the national employment service for returned overseas students under the Ministry of Education.
"I prefer to work in China. The overall salary in Japan is not much different from that in China, but the cost of living there is higher. The attractiveness of local employment is declining. Moreover, there are more intriguing jobs in China," said Zhu.
Zhu reflects the thoughts of the majority of Chinese overseas students. According to the "2022 Blue Paper for Chinese Overseas Students Returning to China for Employment" released by the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, the number of students returning to China has grown significantly since 2012, with about 3.4 million people having returned, accounting for more than 80 percent of the people studying overseas.
"More than half of the Chinese students around me have planned to return to China to work. We believe that our international thinking and vision can give us a more competitive edge in the job market," said Zhao Zhijin, who is studying at Musashi University in Japan.
In the "2023 Overseas Study Talent Employment Development Record" jointly released by Liepin, a service company focusing on job hunting, and the China World Youth Summit, 80.85 percent of corporate HR professionals believe that, under the same conditions, overseas study experience will be a plus for candidates.
Huo Jiali, who studied at Delaware Valley University in the United States, returned to her hometown of Jinzhong, North China's Shanxi province, years ago. She has dedicated the knowledge she gained during her study abroad to agricultural work at a local firm. Huo also said China's favorable policy ensures that returning students have a good work environment and treatment.
In the past decade, China has introduced a series of policy measures from the central to local levels to provide convenience and create good conditions for returning overseas students.
In 2015, China issued a notice on facilitating the entrepreneurship of returned overseas students, which included overseas returnees in the support range of national university graduate employment and entrepreneurship.
In 2016, another notice on implementing entrepreneurship guarantee loan to support entrepreneurship and employment was issued, which included returned overseas students in the scope of entrepreneurship guarantee loan support.
"In order to promote the employment of overseas students, we have been cooperating with various related service units, improved service mechanisms, and provided convenience for entrepreneurship and employment, thereby enhancing their sense of belonging and achievement," said Chen Xijie, deputy director of the Shanxi provincial service center for overseas students and experts.
According to data released by China's Ministry of Education, from 1978 to 2019, 6.56 million people studied overseas. During this period, 4.23 million people chose to return to China after completing their studies, accounting for 86.28 percent of the group that completed their studies.
The proportion of the number of people returning from studying overseas to the number of people to study overseas rose from 38.2 percent in 2000 to 64.5 percent in 2019.
作者: Patrickol    时间: 2024-9-30 19:59
Job market embraces students returning from overseas
The spring breeze brings another job hunting season in China, along with more job hunters freshly graduated from overseas universities.
Zhu Yangjian, a Chinese student studying at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan, has been looking at a website of the national employment service for returned overseas students under the Ministry of Education.
逐句机翻:英文:Job market embraces students returning from overseas 翻译为工作市场拥抱海外回来的学生们。英文再来一遍:Job market embraces students returning from overseas
第二句英文:The spring breeze brings another job hunting season in China, along with more job hunters freshly graduated from overseas universities.
再来一遍英文The spring breeze brings another job hunting season in China, along with more job hunters freshly graduated from overseas universities.
第三句英文:Zhu Yangjian, a Chinese student studying at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan,翻译为就读于日本福冈九州大学的中国学生朱养建,再读英文:Zhu Yangjian, a Chinese student studying at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan,
第四句has been looking at a website of the national employment service for returned overseas students under the Ministry of Education.
再读一遍英语:has been looking at a website of the national employment service for returned overseas students under the Ministry of Education.
1、embraces拼写为e m b r a c e s ,意思为动词的拥抱; 包括; 包含; 抱; 信奉(宗教、信仰等); 欣然接受,乐意采纳(思想、建议等,
2、Breeze,拼写为b r e e z e ,意思为名词的微风; 和风; 轻而易举的事
3、Hunt ,拼写为h u n t ,动词和名词的打猎; 猎杀; 追捕; 搜寻; 搜索; 猎取; 但是在这里就是求职者的意思,hunting在这里引申为求职进行时,hunters在这里引申为求职者们。
4、Freshly,拼写为f r e s h l y ,本身的意思是副词的刚刚,新近。就是新鲜出炉的引申为刚刚毕业的学子,应届大学比业生求职者。
5、graduate拼写为g r a d u a t e,本生意思为动词毕业或名词毕业生。动词名词的授予(某人)学位。
6、Fukuoka 拼写为F u k u o k a ,日本地名福冈市,
7、Kyushu 拼写为K y u s h u,日本地名九州,
作者: Patrickol    时间: 2024-9-30 20:00
Job market embraces students returning from overseas。
The spring breeze brings another job hunting season in China, along with more job hunters freshly graduated from overseas universities.
Zhu Yangjian, a Chinese student studying at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan, has been looking at a website of the national employment service for returned overseas students under the Ministry of Education.
作者: Patrickol    时间: 2024-9-30 20:01
"I prefer to work in China. The overall salary in Japan is not much different from that in China, but the cost of living there is higher. The attractiveness of local employment is declining. Moreover, there are more intriguing jobs in China," said Zhu.
Zhu reflects the thoughts of the majority of Chinese overseas students. According to the "two thousand and twenty-two Blue Paper for Chinese Overseas Students Returning to China for Employment" released by the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, the number of students returning to China has grown significantly since two thousand and twelve, with about  three point four million people having returned, accounting for more than eighty percent of the people studying overseas.
逐句机翻:第一句"I prefer to work in China. The overall salary in Japan is not much different from that in China, but the cost of living there is higher. 翻译为“我更喜欢在中国工作。日本的整体工资与中国没有太大区别,但那里的生活成本更高。再一遍英语:"I prefer to work in China. The overall salary in Japan is not much different from that in China, but the cost of living there is higher.
第二句英语原文:The attractiveness of local employment is declining. Moreover, there are more intriguing jobs in China," said Zhu.翻译为当地就业的吸引力正在下降。此外,中国还有更多有趣的工作,”朱这样说。第二遍英文:The attractiveness of local employment is declining. Moreover, there are more intriguing jobs in China," said Zhu.
第三句原文:Zhu reflects the thoughts of the majority of Chinese overseas students.翻译为朱反映了广大中国留学生的思想。再读原文:Zhu reflects the thoughts of the majority of Chinese overseas students.
第四句比较长了原英文:According to the "two thousand and twenty-two Blue Paper for Chinese Overseas Students Returning to China for Employment" released by the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange,翻译为:根据中国学术交流服务中心发布的《2022年中国留学人员回国就业蓝皮书》,再听原英语:According to the "two thousand and twenty-two Blue Paper for Chinese Overseas Students Returning to China for Employment" released by the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange,
第五句:the number of students returning to China has grown significantly since two thousand and twelve, with about three point four million people having returned, accounting for more than eighty percent of the people studying overseas.翻译为:自2012年以来,中国留学生人数大幅增长,约有3点4个百万人回国,占留学人数的80%以上。再听原文:the number of students returning to China has grown significantly since two thousand and twelve, with about three point four million people having returned, accounting for more than eighty percent of the people studying overseas.
1、attractiveness 拼写为a t t r a c t i v e n e s s ,意思为名词的n.吸引力;迷惑力,实际这个词只记    attractive 拼写为a t t r a c t i v e,   形容词的有吸引力的; 吸引人的; 诱人的; 性感的; 吸引力名词本身就有为attraction,拼写为a t t r a c t i o n,
2、Intrigue 拼写为i n t r i g u e,i n t r i g u e,名词的阴谋; 密谋; 引人入胜的复杂情节; 秘密关系; 神秘气氛,这个词的现在分词却有有趣的意思 ,intriguing 拼写为i n t r i g u i n g ,这里原本当有兴趣的使用,
3、Scholarly拼写为S c h o l a r l y,解释为学术性的,比较少见,更常见学术为Academic,拼写为A c a d e m i c,形容词学术的(与实践性、技术性相对); 学业的; 教学的 学习良好的,或名词的高等院校教师; 高校科研人员。
作者: Patrickol    时间: 2024-9-30 20:02
Zhu reflects the thoughts of the majority of Chinese overseas students. According to the "2022 Blue Paper for Chinese Overseas Students Returning to China for Employment" released by the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, the number of students returning to China has grown significantly since 2012, with about 3.4 million people having returned, accounting for more than 80 percent of the people studying overseas.
作者: Patrickol    时间: 2024-9-30 20:02
"More than half of the Chinese students around me have planned to return to China to work. We believe that our international thinking and vision can give us a more competitive edge in the job market," said Zhao Zhijin, who is studying at Musashi University in Japan.
In the "2023 Overseas Study Talent Employment Development Record" jointly released by Liepin, a service company focusing on job hunting, and the China World Youth Summit, 80.85 percent of corporate HR professionals believe that, under the same conditions, overseas study experience will be a plus for candidates.
第一句:"More than half of the Chinese students around me have planned to return to China to work. We believe that our international thinking and vision can give us a more competitive edge in the job market," said Zhao Zhijin, who is studying at Musashi University in Japan.
"More than half of the Chinese students around me have planned to return to China to work. We believe that our international thinking and vision can give us a more competitive edge in the job market," said Zhao Zhijin, who is studying at Musashi University in Japan.
第二句:In the ""two thousand and twenty-three Overseas Study Talent Employment Development Record" jointly released by Liepin, a service company focusing on job hunting, and the China World Youth Summit,
再听一遍原文:In the ""two thousand and twenty-three Overseas Study Talent Employment Development Record" jointly released by Liepin, a service company focusing on job hunting, and the China World Youth Summit,
第三句:eighty point eight-five   percent of corporate HR professionals believe that, under the same conditions, overseas study experience will be a plus for candidates.翻译为80.85%的企业人力资源专业人士认为,在同等条件下,海外留学经历将是求职者的加分项。
再听一遍原文:eighty point eight-five   percent of corporate HR professionals believe that, under the same conditions, overseas study experience will be a plus for candidates.
1、vision拼写为v i s i o n ,意思为名词的视力; 视野; 异象; 想象; 影像,画面; 幻象; 想象力; 英语中的看这种词太多了。
2、competitive拼写为c o m p e t i t i v e,形容词的竞争的; 有竞争力的;
3、edge拼写为e ,d,g,e,拼写为e d g e,现在微软第11版浏览器就叫edge。
原意思为边; (尤指灾难的)边缘; 边沿; (微弱的)优势; 刀刃; 刀口; 锐利; 边线; 有…边的; 利刃; 现在引申为先进有前沿,competitive edge在这里引申为竞争优势。
1、Summit:拼写为S u m m i t,愿意为(政府间的)首脑会议,峰会; 山顶,顶峰; (成就的)最高点,顶点; 最高官阶,原为就是青年峰会,
2、HR,就是原英文单词human resources的缩写,翻译过来为人力资源;大多表示公司的人力资源部。就是人事部。
3、will be a plus翻译为将是一个加分项。
4、Talent Employment 意思为人才就业,Talent拼写为T a l e n t,意思为人才,Employment拼写为 E m p l o y m e n t,意思为名词性的就业; 工作机会; 职业机会; 雇用;  受雇用。
5、Candidate,拼写为c,a,n,d,i,d,a,t,e,拼写为c a n d i d a t e,意思为工作竞聘者,选举时的竞选者、候选人。这个词是名词。
作者: Patrickol    时间: 2024-9-30 20:02
"More than half of the Chinese students around me have planned to return to China to work. We believe that our international thinking and vision can give us a more competitive edge in the job market," said Zhao Zhijin, who is studying at Musashi University in Japan.
In the "2023 Overseas Study Talent Employment Development Record" jointly released by Liepin, a service company focusing on job hunting, and the China World Youth Summit, 80.85 percent of corporate HR professionals believe that, under the same conditions, overseas study experience will be a plus for candidates.
作者: Patrickol    时间: 2024-9-30 20:02
Huo Jiali, who studied at Delaware Valley University in the United States, returned to her hometown of Jinzhong, North China's Shanxi province, years ago. She has dedicated the knowledge she gained during her study abroad to agricultural work at a local firm. Huo also said China's favorable policy ensures that returning students have a good work environment and treatment.
In the past decade, China has introduced a series of policy measures from the central to local levels to provide convenience and create good conditions for returning overseas students.
In 2015, China issued a notice on facilitating the entrepreneurship of returned overseas students, which included overseas returnees in the support range of national university graduate employment and entrepreneurship.
逐句翻译:第一句:Huo Jiali, who studied at Delaware Valley University in the United States, returned to her hometown of Jinzhong, North China's Shanxi province, years ago.
再听原文:Huo Jiali, who studied at Delaware Valley University in the United States, returned to her hometown of Jinzhong, North China's Shanxi province, years ago.
第二句:She has dedicated the knowledge she gained during her study abroad to agricultural work at a local firm.
再听原文:She has dedicated the knowledge she gained during her study abroad to agricultural work at a local firm.
第三句:Huo also said China's favorable policy ensures that returning students have a good work environment and treatment.
再听原文:Huo also said China's favorable policy ensures that returning students have a good work environment and treatment.
第四句:In the past decade, China has introduced a series of policy measures from the central to local levels to provide convenience and create good conditions for returning overseas students.
再听原文:In the past decade, China has introduced a series of policy measures from the central to local levels to provide convenience and create good conditions for returning overseas students.
第五句:In  two thousand and fifteen,, China issued a notice on facilitating the entrepreneurship of returned overseas students,翻译为2015年,中国发布了关于便利留学回国人员创业的通知,
再听原文:In  two thousand and fifteen,, China issued a notice on facilitating the entrepreneurship of returned overseas students,
第六句:which included overseas returnees in the support range of national university graduate employment and entrepreneurship.
再听一遍原文:which included overseas returnees in the support range of national university graduate employment and entrepreneurship.
1、dedicate 拼写为d e d i c a t e拼写为d e d i c a t e,高频出现的动词意思为奉献; (在书、音乐或作品的前部)题献词; 为(建筑物等)举行落成典礼。最常出现的是过去式:dedicated,拼写为d e d i c a t e d,过去式动词奉献:dedicated,拼写为d e d i c a t e d,
2、favorable拼写为f a v o r a b l e,有利的; 顺利的;favorable拼写为f a v o r a b l e,原意为形容词有利的; 顺利的; 赞许的; 讨人喜欢的; 令人愉快的。原文favorable policy 为优惠政策。
3、treatment拼写为t r e a t m e n t,原意为治疗的名词。这里引申为待遇。
4、facilitate拼写为f a c i l i t a t e 高频词促进。facilitate拼写为f a c i l i t a t e 高频词促进。与另一个高频词promote 都是一样是促进的动词。promote拼写为p r o m o t e ,还多一层意思为晋升职业了,提拔了。比赛晋级了。
5、entrepreneurship超级政治化的偏门词拼写为e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p,在原文中为创业这个行为。实际上由entrepreneur企业家这个词演变的,entrepreneur拼写为e n t r e p r e n e u r,
6、Returnee,拼写为r e t u r n e e,是名词意思为回国的人; 归国者,海外归国者,
作者: Patrickol    时间: 2024-9-30 20:03
Huo Jiali, who studied at Delaware Valley University in the United States, returned to her hometown of Jinzhong, North China's Shanxi province, years ago. She has dedicated the knowledge she gained during her study abroad to agricultural work at a local firm. Huo also said China's favorable policy ensures that returning students have a good work environment and treatment.
In the past decade, China has introduced a series of policy measures from the central to local levels to provide convenience and create good conditions for returning overseas students.
In 2015, China issued a notice on facilitating the entrepreneurship of returned overseas students, which included overseas returnees in the support range of national university graduate employment and entrepreneurship.
作者: Patrickol    时间: 2024-9-30 20:04
In 2016, another notice on implementing entrepreneurship guarantee loan to support entrepreneurship and employment was issued, which included returned overseas students in the scope of entrepreneurship guarantee loan support.
"In order to promote the employment of overseas students, we have been cooperating with various related service units, improved service mechanisms, and provided convenience for entrepreneurship and employment, thereby enhancing their sense of belonging and achievement," said Chen Xijie, deputy director of the Shanxi provincial service center for overseas students and experts.
According to data released by China's Ministry of Education, from 1978 to 2019, 6.56 million people studied overseas. During this period, 4.23 million people chose to return to China after completing their studies, accounting for 86.28 percent of the group that completed their studies.
The proportion of the number of people returning from studying overseas to the number of people to study overseas rose from 38.2 percent in 2000 to 64.5 percent in 2019.
第一句:In two thousand and sixteen,, another notice on implementing entrepreneurship guarantee loan to support entrepreneurship and employment was issued, which included returned overseas students in the scope of entrepreneurship guarantee loan support.
再听一遍英文:In two thousand and sixteen,, another notice on implementing entrepreneurship guarantee loan to support entrepreneurship and employment was issued, which included returned overseas students in the scope of entrepreneurship guarantee loan support.
第二句:"In order to promote the employment of overseas students, we have been cooperating with various related service units, improved service mechanisms, and provided convenience for entrepreneurship and employment, thereby enhancing their sense of belonging and achievement," said Chen Xijie, deputy director of the Shanxi provincial service center for overseas students and experts.
再听一遍原文:"In order to promote the employment of overseas students, we have been cooperating with various related service units, improved service mechanisms, and provided convenience for entrepreneurship and employment, thereby enhancing their sense of belonging and achievement," said Chen Xijie, deputy director of the Shanxi provincial service center for overseas students and experts.
第四句:According to data released by China's Ministry of Education, from nineteen seventy-eight to two thousand and nineteen,, six point five-six million people studied overseas. During this period, four point two-three million people chose to return to China after completing their studies, accounting for eighty-six point two-eight percent of the group that completed their studies.
再听一遍原文:According to data released by China's Ministry of Education, from nineteen seventy-eight to two thousand and nineteen,, six point five-six million people studied overseas. During this period, four point two-three million people chose to return to China after completing their studies, accounting for eighty-six point two-eight percent of the group that completed their studies.
第五句:  The proportion of the number of people returning from studying overseas to the number of people to study overseas rose from thirty-eight point two percent in two thousand to sixty-four point five percent in two thousand and nineteen..
再听一遍原文:    The proportion of the number of people returning from studying overseas to the number of people to study overseas rose from thirty-eight point two percent in two thousand to sixty-four point five percent in two thousand and nineteen..
2、scope拼写为s c o p e,意思为动词仔细看,名词(题目、组织、活动等的)范围; (做或实现某事的)机会,能力; …镜(观察仪器)常用有望远镜telescope拼写为t e l e s c o p e,显微镜microscope拼写为m i c r o s c o p e,
3、promote高频单词促进,拼写为p r o m o t e,
4、cooperate拼写为c o o p e r a t e,意思为不及物动词性的合作,配合。
5、mechanism拼写为m e c h a n i s m,意思为名词的机制,构造; 机制;  机械装置; 机件。
6、belonging拼写为b e l o n g i n g,原意为动词的应在(某处); 适应; 合得来,名词的所有物;行李;附件。在原文中为sense of belonging 为归属感。
7、complete拼写为c o m p l e t e,意思为动词形容词的完成; 使完整; 结束;
8、proportion拼写为p r o p o r t i o n, 意思为名词时正确的比例; 倍数关系; 等比关系,比列关系,动词为分配,使相称相符。
2016年,《关于实施创业担保贷款支持创业就业工作的通知》出台,将留学回国人员列入创业担保贷款支持对象范围。    山西省留学人员和专家服务中心副主任陈希杰表示:“为了促进留学生就业,我们一直和各相关服务单位协同合作,完善服务机制,为留学生创业就业提供便利,进而提升他们的归属感和成就感。”    根据教育部发布的数据,1978年至2019年度,各类出国留学人员累计达656.06万人。在此期间,有423.17万人在完成学业后选择回国发展,占已完成学业群体的86.28%。 归国留学生占留学生总数的比例从2000年的38.2%上升到了2019年的64.5%。
作者: Patrickol    时间: 2024-9-30 20:05
In 2016, another notice on implementing entrepreneurship guarantee loan to support entrepreneurship and employment was issued, which included returned overseas students in the scope of entrepreneurship guarantee loan support.
"In order to promote the employment of overseas students, we have been cooperating with various related service units, improved service mechanisms, and provided convenience for entrepreneurship and employment, thereby enhancing their sense of belonging and achievement," said Chen Xijie, deputy director of the Shanxi provincial service center for overseas students and experts.
According to data released by China's Ministry of Education, from 1978 to 2019, 6.56 million people studied overseas. During this period, 4.23 million people chose to return to China after completing their studies, accounting for 86.28 percent of the group that completed their studies.
The proportion of the number of people returning from studying overseas to the number of people to study overseas rose from 38.2 percent in 2000 to 64.5 percent in 2019.
作者: Patrickol    时间: 2024-9-30 20:06
作者: Patrickol    时间: 2024-9-30 20:06
1、embraces拼写为e m b r a c e s ,意思为动词的拥抱; 包括; 包含; 抱; 信奉(宗教、信仰等); 欣然接受,乐意采纳(思想、建议等,
2、Breeze,拼写为b r e e z e ,意思为名词的微风; 和风; 轻而易举的事
3、Hunt ,拼写为h u n t ,动词和名词的打猎; 猎杀; 追捕; 搜寻; 搜索; 猎取; 但是在这里就是求职者的意思,hunting在这里引申为求职进行时,hunters在这里引申为求职者们。
4、Freshly,拼写为f r e s h l y ,本身的意思是副词的刚刚,新近。就是新鲜出炉的引申为刚刚毕业的学子,应届大学比业生求职者。
5、graduate拼写为g r a d u a t e,本生意思为动词毕业或名词毕业生。动词名词的授予(某人)学位。
6、 attractiveness 拼写为a t t r a c t i v e n e s s ,意思为名词的n.吸引力;迷惑力,实际这个词只记    attractive 拼写为a t t r a c t i v e,   形容词的有吸引力的; 吸引人的; 诱人的; 性感的; 吸引力名词本身就有为attraction,拼写为a t t r a c t i o n,
7、Intrigue 拼写为i n t r i g u e,i n t r i g u e,名词的阴谋; 密谋; 引人入胜的复杂情节; 秘密关系; 神秘气氛,这个词的现在分词却有有趣的意思 ,intriguing 拼写为i n t r i g u i n g ,这里原本当有兴趣的使用,
8、Scholarly拼写为S c h o l a r l y,解释为学术性的,比较少见,更常见学术为Academic,拼写为A c a d e m i c,形容词学术的(与实践性、技术性相对); 学业的; 教学的 学习良好的,或名词的高等院校教师; 高校科研人员。
9、vision拼写为v i s i o n ,意思为名词的视力; 视野; 异象; 想象; 影像,画面; 幻象; 想象力; 英语中的看这种词太多了。
10、competitive拼写为c o m p e t i t i v e,形容词的竞争的; 有竞争力的;
11、edge拼写为e ,d,g,e,拼写为e d g e,现在微软第11版浏览器就叫edge。
原意思为边; (尤指灾难的)边缘; 边沿; (微弱的)优势; 刀刃; 刀口; 锐利; 边线; 有…边的; 利刃; 现在引申为先进有前沿,competitive edge在这里引申为竞争优势。
12、Summit:拼写为S u m m i t,愿意为(政府间的)首脑会议,峰会; 山顶,顶峰; (成就的)最高点,顶点; 最高官阶,原为就是青年峰会,
13、HR,就是原英文单词human resources的缩写,翻译过来为人力资源;大多表示公司的人力资源部。就是人事部。
14、will be a plus翻译为将是一个加分项。
15、Talent Employment 意思为人才就业,Talent拼写为T a l e n t,意思为人才,Employment拼写为 E m p l o y m e n t,意思为名词性的就业; 工作机会; 职业机会; 雇用;  受雇用。
16、Candidate,拼写为c,a,n,d,i,d,a,t,e,拼写为c a n d i d a t e,意思为工作竞聘者,选举时的竞选者、候选人。这个词是名词。
17、dedicate 拼写为d e d i c a t e拼写为d e d i c a t e,高频出现的动词意思为奉献; (在书、音乐或作品的前部)题献词; 为(建筑物等)举行落成典礼。最常出现的是过去式:dedicated,拼写为d e d i c a t e d,过去式动词奉献:dedicated,拼写为d e d i c a t e d,
18、favorable拼写为f a v o r a b l e,有利的; 顺利的;favorable拼写为f a v o r a b l e,原意为形容词有利的; 顺利的; 赞许的; 讨人喜欢的; 令人愉快的。原文favorable policy 为优惠政策。
19、treatment拼写为t r e a t m e n t,原意为治疗的名词。这里引申为待遇。
20、facilitate拼写为f a c i l i t a t e 高频词促进。facilitate拼写为f a c i l i t a t e 高频词促进。与另一个高频词promote 都是一样是促进的动词。promote拼写为p r o m o t e ,还多一层意思为晋升职业了,提拔了。比赛晋级了。
21、entrepreneurship超级政治化的偏门词拼写为e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p,在原文中为创业这个行为。实际上由entrepreneur企业家这个词演变的,entrepreneur拼写为e n t r e p r e n e u r,
22、Returnee,拼写为r e t u r n e e,是名词意思为回国的人; 归国者,海外归国者,
24、scope拼写为s c o p e,意思为动词仔细看,名词(题目、组织、活动等的)范围; (做或实现某事的)机会,能力; …镜(观察仪器)常用有望远镜telescope拼写为t e l e s c o p e,显微镜microscope拼写为m i c r o s c o p e,
25、promote高频单词促进,拼写为p r o m o t e,
26、cooperate拼写为c o o p e r a t e,意思为不及物动词性的合作,配合。
27、mechanism拼写为m e c h a n i s m,意思为名词的机制,构造; 机制;  机械装置; 机件。
28、belonging拼写为b e l o n g i n g,原意为动词的应在(某处); 适应; 合得来,名词的所有物;行李;附件。在原文中为sense of belonging 为归属感。
29、complete拼写为c o m p l e t e,意思为动词形容词的完成; 使完整; 结束;
30、proportion拼写为p r o p o r t i o n, 意思为名词时正确的比例; 倍数关系; 等比关系,比列关系,动词为分配,使相称相符。
作者: Patrickol    时间: 2024-9-30 20:07
作者: Patrickol    时间: 2024-9-30 20:07

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