标题: 【电子书分享】国内法院在条约执行中的作用比较研究-The [打印本页] 作者: yangxiuyu 时间: 前天 17:02 标题: 【电子书分享】国内法院在条约执行中的作用比较研究-The 简单麦麦
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标题(title):The Role of Domestic Courts in Treaty Enforcement: A Comparative Study
作者(author):David Sloss
大小(size):3 MB (2768588 bytes)
这本书审查了12个国家国内法院对条约的适用情况。核心问题是,国内法院是否真的为因侵犯其基于条约的权利而受到损害的私人当事方提供了补救措施。分析表明,12个国家中的8个国家——澳大利亚、加拿大、德国、印度、荷兰、波兰、南非和联合王国——的国内法院通常代表私人当事方执行基于条约的权利。另一方面,其他四个国家(中国、以色列、俄罗斯和美国)的证据也不尽相同。在中国、以色列和俄罗斯,这一趋势正朝着代表私人当事方加强对条约的司法执行的方向发展。美国是唯一一个被调查的趋势朝相反方向发展的国家。U、 美国法院不愿强制执行基于条约的权利,破坏了建立更具合作性的全球秩序的努力。
This book examines the application of treaties by domestic courts in twelve countries. The central question is whether domestic courts actually provide remedies to private parties who are harmed by a violation of their treaty-based rights. The analysis shows that domestic courts in eight of the twelve countries - Australia, Canada, Germany, India, the Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, and the United Kingdom - generally do enforce treaty-based rights on behalf of private parties. On the other hand, the evidence is mixed for the other four countries: China, Israel, Russia, and the United States. In China, Israel, and Russia, the trends are moving in the direction of greater judicial enforcement of treaties on behalf of private parties. The United States is the only country surveyed where the trend is moving in the opposite direction. U.S. courts&0#9; reluctance to enforce treaty-based rights undermines efforts to develop a more cooperative global order.