标题: 印度德里出生人口出炉,全年出生30万人,比韩国多 [打印本页] 作者: 艾的民 时间: 3 天前 标题: 印度德里出生人口出炉,全年出生30万人,比韩国多 B. BIRTH REGISTRATION: The brief profile of birth registration is as under:i) The total number of births registered during 2022 was 3,00,350 as against2,71,786 during 2021.ii) Average number of births per day in Delhi worked out to 823 in 2022 asagainst 745 in 2021.iii) Out of the total births registered, 1,55,670 (51.83%) were males, 1,44,581(48.14%) females and 99 (0.03%) others (“others” includes transgender/ambiguous/ not stated).iv) Out of the total births, 2,82,389 (94.02%) were institutional and 17,961(5.98%) domiciliary in nature.
出生率14.24%作者: LeslieFrom 时间: 3 天前