作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-2-27 21:35
詹姆斯卡梅隆辞导《铳梦》继续担任制片 罗德里格兹接棒执导
“Robert and I have been looking for a film to do together for years, so I was pumped when he said he wanted to do ‘Battle Angel,'” Cameron said. “He’s very collaborative and we’re already like two kids building a go-kart, just having fun riffing creatively and technically. This project is near and dear to me, and there’s nobody I trust more than Robert, with his technical virtuosity and rebel style, to take over the directing reins. We’re looking forward to learning a lot from each other while we make a kick-ass epic.”
Rodriguez said in a statement: “’Battle Angel’ is an incredibly rich and vibrant epic in the tradition of Jim Cameron’s spectacular, character-driven films. Getting to work from Jim’s terrific and visionary script while learning the cutting edge techniques he’s pioneered is a master class in filmmaking. It’s an honor to explore the world of Alita along with Jim and Jon, whose films have impacted me for decades.”
Rodriguez is directing the pic, while Cameron and his Lightstorm Entertainment partner Jon Landau are producing.作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-2-27 21:36
片名:Alita: Battle Angel (2018)
上映日期:2018年7月20号 (北美)
原著作者:木城雪户 Yukito Kishiro作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-2-27 21:36
演员表 (, 下载次数: 31)
(, 下载次数: 29)
作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-2-27 21:37
导演 Director
罗伯特·罗德里格兹 Robert Rodriguez
制作人 Produced by
詹姆斯·卡梅隆 James Cameron - producer
乔恩·兰道 Jon Landau - producer
大卫·沃德斯 David Valdes - executive producer
罗伯特·罗德里格兹 Robert Rodriguez - producer
艺术指导 Production Designer
Caylah Eddleblute
史蒂夫·乔纳 Steve Joyner
美术设计 Art Direction by
A. Todd Holland
William Ladd Skinner
Jeff B. Adams Jr.
莱斯利·麦克唐纳 Leslie McDonald
服装设计 Costume Design by
Nina Proctor
视觉特效 Visual Effects Supervisor
Richard E. Hollander
乔·雷特利 Joe Letteri
Eric Saindon
副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director
Brian Bettwy - first assistant director
声音部门 Sound Department
Tom Sturgis - boom operator
选角导演 Casting
Mary Vernieu
Michelle Wade Byrd作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-2-27 21:37
Production Companies
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Lightstorm Entertainment
Troublemaker Studios
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation (2018) (World-wide) (theatrical)
20th Century Fox of Germany (2018) (Germany) (all media)作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-2-27 21:38
本片根据同名漫画改编而成,故事设定在26世纪,那时科技已经可以重塑人类的大部分器官,不少人都换上了机械的身体。主人公艾德某天在垃圾堆里找到一个少女的机械残躯。艾德把她救活并将其命名为阿丽塔,但她已失去了以前的记忆。在一次偶然的机会下,艾德发现阿丽塔原来有着超强的战斗力,注定了她的使命就是要不停的战斗……作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-2-27 21:39
2.无自然家庭组织,由于沙雷姆人无自然生殖能力,因此组成社会的家庭也不是自然而形成。根据铳梦LO单行本第一集洛斯克的解说,“在沙雷姆里,婴儿是由医疗监察局的人口子宫生产出来的。出生后的孩子,会被医疗监察局交给他们事先选定好的一对男女养育…而孩子当然就跟他们没有血缘关系。这个疑似家庭的组织被称为CCU,而父母就是CCM”。在这里所谓的CCM是Child Care Manager,而CCU是Child Care Unit。这代表沙雷姆并没有自然形成的家庭组织。
作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-2-27 21:43
关于选角的新闻, 主角,Rosa Salazar Rosa Salazar has nabbed the lead in the adaptation of the popular Japanese manga Battle Angel Alita. She will star as the amnesiac female cyborg who is rescued from a scrapyard and put back together without a memory of her past life but, awesomely, with an advanced knowledge of martial arts. Set in the 26th century, the story sees Alita become a bounty hunter, tracking down criminals. 其他 1.Jennifer Connelly Joins James Cameron's 'Alita: Battle Angel' Connelly will play one of the villains.
2.'Luke Cage' Villain Mahershala Ali in Talks to Join James Cameron's 'Alita: Battle Angel' Ali will play one of the movie’s villains, a man named Vector who runs and fixes matches in a gladiator-style combat game called Motorball.
3.James Cameron's 'Alita: Battle Angel' Casts Jackie Earle Haley Sources were light on character information, but it is believed Haley will play a monstrous cyborg in a villain role that will call for plenty of CG and greenscreen.
4.Keean Johnson has joined the James Cameron sci-fi film in the highly coveted part opposite Rosa Salazar Johnson will play Hugo, a young man who teaches Alita how to play a gladiator-style game called Motorball but who also has a secret side job stealing robot parts.
5.'Deadpool' Bad Guy Ed Skrein Joins James Cameron's 'Alita: Battle Angel' Skrein will play a character named Zapan, a villainous cyborg who is in possession of a weapon called the Damascus blade.
6.Christoph Waltz in Talks to Star in James Cameron's 'Alita: Battle Angel'
If a deal is made, Waltz will play Doctor Dyson Ido, the cybersurgeon who finds the cyborg and becomes her mentor.
7.'Alita: Battle Angel' Adds 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Actor Jorge Lendeborg Jr Lendeborg will play the cunning and sly friend of Johnson's character。
8.Leonard Wu Joins James Cameron’s ‘Alita: Battle Angel’ Wu will play the Kinuba cyborg character in the movie.
9.James Cameron’s ‘Alita: Battle Angel’ Adds Eiza Gonzalez
10.‘X-Men’ Star Lana Condor Joins James Cameron’s ‘Alita: Battle Angel’ Condor will play Koyomi in the film. In the manga, Koyomi is an orphaned teen with connections to several characters.作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-2-27 21:44
羅亞演員超好評!!作者: Glendamn 时间: 2019-2-27 21:45
终于开了,前排挤挤作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-2-27 21:45
(, 下载次数: 42)
作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-2-27 21:46
清一色白人演员,剧情应该设置在美国了吧,不然又要被吐槽洗白作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-2-27 21:46
是不是和拱桥机动队类似?作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-2-27 21:46
这个片名 铳梦 怎么理解作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-2-27 21:47
为什么卡神很早就想拍这部而不是攻壳呢?攻壳不是号称影响力爆炸么,怎么只能找到白雪公主与锤哥的导演?作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-2-27 21:48
导演:罗伯特·罗德里格兹(Robert Rodriguez)
1991年写出第一部电影剧本时,他还是德克萨斯大学一名在校学生。两年后他自编自导、自己拍摄、编辑和录音的影片《杀手悲歌》(El Mariachi),只花费了7000美元,他的才华引起哥伦比亚公司的注意,与他签下两年的编剧和导演合约。《杀手悲歌》在圣丹斯电影节上荣奖最佳剧情片的观众奖,并在柏林、慕尼黑、爱丁堡、多维尔等电影节上连连获奖,成为由主要制片厂发行、成本最低的影片和首部在西班牙上映的美国影片,处女作即取得如此成就,对23岁的罗伯特的确惊人,但此时他已是一位经验丰富的制片人。
1995年他集编剧、制片人、导演和编辑于一身,为哥伦比亚公司拍出了《杀手悲歌》的续集《杀人三部曲》(Desperado),让美国观众记住了主演安东尼奥·班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)的名字。接下来两人又合作了《疯狂终结者》(Four Rooms),此后他的主要作品有与昆丁·塔伦蒂诺合拍的《杀出个黎明》(From Dusk Till Dawn)、《夺命高校》(The Faculty)、2003年推出的《杀手悲歌》三部曲之《《墨西哥往事》(Once Upon a Time in Mexico),同该片同月上映的还有他的另一部作品《特工小子3》(Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over),一月之内两部影片在北美票房两夺冠军。罗伯特近来最有影响的当属《罪恶之城》(Sin City),布鲁斯·威利斯(Bruce Willis)、杰西卡·阿尔巴(Jessica Alba)、本尼西奥·德托罗(Benicio Del Toro)的超豪华明星阵容为影片增色不少,2005年4月上映后大获好评。
2007年他还与好友昆汀联手导演了《刑房》,他的部分叫《恐惧星球》。2009年推出新作《许愿石》。2010年推出新片《弯刀》。2014年导演《罪恶之城2》。 (, 下载次数: 48)