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180321 v1.27 [34908] 更新公告

Hello community,
We’ve just hotfixed The Long Dark to v1.27 [34908]. This includes the Unity game engine update that we discussed in our Most-recent Dev Diary, as well as numerous other fixes you will see detAIled below.
NOTE: The Unity upgrade included in this hotfix has changed the location of the Debug Log for Windows users:
Debug Log Location in Windows (new!):
⦁ In Windows, open File Explorer
⦁ At the top of the window, switch to the View tab
⦁ Go to the Show/Hide section and check the Hidden Items box
⦁ On the left side, Scroll down to This PC and click on the C drive
⦁ Navigate to the following folder:
(Note that your Windows username will be the name 3rd folder you click through)
⦁ Inside TheLongDark folder you will find a file named output_log.txt . This is your game debug log.
The Long Dark v1.27 [34908] Changelist
*Numerous Art optimizations to improve performance
*Numerous Environment optimizations
*General optimizations
*Update to Rewired Controller API for improved compatibility using gamepad/controllers on PC/Mac
* Fixed several rare crashes
* Disabled crash reporting for Modded games (to reduce the amount of non-relevant crash report data)
*[Both] Moose sign scratches now appear with the correct color and texture across all Regions.
*[Both] Fixed issue where player could become trapped when walking while crouched behind chair in Milton Credit Union office.
*[Both] Added Charging Station sign to the Orca Gas Station in Milton.
*[Both] Starfield no longer visible through light snow in Milton.
*[Both] Fixed issue causing a snowy hillside to appear inside a Broken Railroad Region Cave.
*[Both] Fixed scaling issue with toilets in Carter Dam.
*[Both] Blood Decals now appear correctly when Harvesting or Quartering.
*[Both] Fixed issue with some Rose Hip bushes appearing to float above the ground in Mountain Town Region.
*[Both] Fixed issue causing footstePS to sometimes look distorted in the snow.
*[Both] Fixed a gap in the terrain in Mountain Town Region, near the entrance to Mystery Lake.
*[Both] Fixed issue with inconsistent appearance of arms during Wolf Struggles.
*[Both] Fixed issue with terrain near the Collapsed Tunnel in Mountain Town Region that was impeding player movement.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where Ambient Occlusion improvements weren't visible on a bridge in Desolation Point.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue with incorrect snowy terrain appearing in a Forlorn Muskeg Cave.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where exiting buildings could result in a black screen.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where the Tractor near Quonset Garage was incorrectly illuminated.
*[Survival Mode] Improved presentation of thumbnail images in the Survival Mode loading menu.
*[Survival Mode] Improved road and bridge textures in Desolation Point
*[Wintermute] Items in the Hunter's Blind near Alan's Cave in Mystery Lake Region now have the correct texture.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where chimney smoke would incorrectly appear coming from homes in Milton.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where a gap could be seen in Jeremiah's neck during Episode Two cinematics.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issues with incorrect Rifle movement in Episode Two cinematics.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue with incorrect item texture on Lake Cabin Key #2.
Gameplay & User Interface
*[Both] Added Clothing UI Icons and tooltips when pressing R3 on gamepads.
*[Both] Removed reticle when aiming the Survival Bow (as intended)
*[Both] First Aid icon no longer disappears from the screen when Cooking or Boiling Water.
*[Both] Fixed issue causing awkward First Person arm movements when accessing inventory with Flashlight equipped.
*[Both] Fixed issue where Slope information would incorrectly appear when climbing up and down ropes.
*[Both] Clothing items no longer display incorrect damage textures at low Condition.
*[Both] Improved positioning for various Scrub Brush placements in the environment.
*[Both] Fixed issue where double-inputs were occurring with the Steam Controller when accessing inventory.
*[Both] Fix for being able to climb up steep objects the player should not be able to climb.
*[Both] Fixed issue causing players to get Cabin Fever in Wintermute. Cabin Fever is now disabled in all three Wintermute Experience Modes.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issues keeping Faithful Cartographer achievement from triggering.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where the Stone Church icon was not displaying correctly after being mapped.
*[Survival Mode] Removed fall death triggers on cliff wall above Milton Basin.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue that prevented players from Harvesting certain Tree Limbs in the game.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where the Moose Hide Satchel was not showing the correct bonus when the game was set to display Imperial Units.
*[Survival Mode] Improved ease of mapping the Cinder Hills Coal Mine entrances in Coastal Highway and Pleasant Valley.
*[Survival Mode] When selecting a Region in a new Survival Mode game, it will now always default to the last Region the player loaded.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where no on-screen message would appear when approaching transition between Mountain Town and Forlorn Muskeg Regions.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where the Harvesting UI could sometimes default to “Take All.”
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where the Paradise Meadows Farmhouse could appear unlocked by default.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue causing various tools to spawn incorrectly in Interloper and Custom Experience Modes.
*[Survival Mode] Players can no longer continue Crafting after a single Match burns out.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where subtitles remain on-screen after character voice over ends.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where crows would circle locations with no corpses present.
*[Wintermute] Fixed various issues blocking progress during the opening survival missions in Episode One.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where voice over subtitles were missing after sustaining a fall injury.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where Water in inventory was incorrectly counted, preventing Coffee and Tea brewing.
*[Wintermute] Grey Mother's Soup no longer remains hot for too long when added to player inventory.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue causing Fatigue to apply incorrectly when Rope Climbing.
*[Wintermute] Players can no longer Inspect Jeremiah’s Coat in Episode Two.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where text could flicker during Trust interactions with Jeremiah in Episode Two.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where smoke would not appear from the Trapper’s Cabin chimney, even though a fire is burning inside.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue in Episode Two Lake Gunshots Mission where the mission marker was not resolving correctly upon completion.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where error message "Failed to Restore the Game From a Previous Save” could appear incorrectly in Episode One, causing the player to return to the Main Menu.
*[Wintermute] Improved UI feedback when attempting to access empty sections of the Journal.
[Wintermute] Players can now transfer stacked items to Grey Mother during a Trust interaction.
*[Wintermute] Changed location of First Aid Kit at the beginning of Episode One to make it more noticeable to players.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where Methuselah would appear at the wrong time in Episode Two.
*[Wintermute] Added container for player gear in Grey Mother's House and Jeremiah's Cabin. Using these containers will not affect Trust levels with either character.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where mission objectives from previous save games could appear at the beginning of Episode One.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where the incorrect UI label was displayed when players attempted to create a new save game.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue with Rifle sometimes not responding during Episode Two mission "Jeremiah's Folly."
*[Wintermute] Improved first-person camera motion to make it easier to interact with Metal Shard at the beginning of Episode One.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where Breaking Down catwalk planks in the Upper Dam could keep players from finishing Episode Two.
*[Both] Fixed issue with audio that was sometimes causing too much reverb effect when exploring outdoors.
*[Both] Firing a Rifle indoors no longer affects pitch and speed of voice over audio.
*[Both] Fixed issue where outdoor audio reverb could be heard inside the Hunting Lodge in Broken Railroad Region.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where character voice over reverb could be heard in caves, even when voice-over audio was turned off.
*[Survival Mode] Walking on the frozen river outside Milton now produces the correct footstep audio effects.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue causing incorrect audio to play when Crafting Tinder from paper items.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where fall injuries could lead to voice over audio that was out of sync.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where exploration music cues were not playing as intended.
*[Wintermute] Improved Fire audio during Grey Mother cinematics in Episode One.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue with cinematic freezing at the end of Episode One, which prevented the game from continuing.
*[Wintermute] Improved Mathis character position during Episode Two cinematic.
*[Wintermute] Improved Jeremiah's character position and audio syncing during Episode Two cinematic.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue causing the camera to incorrectly rotate during cinematics.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where audio and visual effects were out of sync when Will trips and falls during the Episode Two cinematic in Broken Railroad.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue causing Will and Jeremiah character models to vanish from the first cinematic when loading Episode Two and skipping the introduction.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where a chair would appear incorrectly during a Grey Mother cinematic.
*[Both] Fixed issue where interior lighting could create unintended shadows.
Collision Fixes
*[Both] Fixed issue causing players to get stuck on a fence in Mountain Town Region.
*[Both] Fixed collision issues with bridge leading to Paradise Meadows Farm.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where Bears could be stuck on broken ice in Desolation Point.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issues with player/terrain collision when walking around Hibernia Processing and on approach to the Lonely Lighthouse in Desolation point.
*[Wintermute] Fixed collision issue that allowed Will to partially walk through Grey Mother's rocking chair.
General Fixes
*[Both] Crows will no longer sometimes fly too low and into the ground as the weather changes.
*[Both] Crouching close to Bears no longer lets players move inside the carcass.
*[Both] Fixed issue where blood splatter effect could appear too bright against the snow.
*[Both] Fixed issue where Region and Location details were incorrectly displayed in the loading menu.
*[Both] Fixed issue where Region and Location details were incorrectly displayed in the loading menu.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where Wolves would sometimes be out of position when feeding on carcasses.
*[Survival Mode] Added no-spawn areas to the docks at the FIshing Camp in Coastal Highway, to keep Wolves from getting trapped there.
*[Survival Mode] Adjusted Soda Can location in Mountain Town Region to make it accessible.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where various doors were incorrectly showing a locked icon when Inspected.
*[Survival Mode] Improved camera position and framing of Moose carcass during Harvesting.
*[Survival Mode] Closed off an unintended exit from the Milton Basin area in Mountain Town Region.
*[Survival Mode] Fix for Wolves appearing on the Quonset Garage roof.
*[Custom Mode] General Resource Availability setting in the Custom Toolbox now more accurately reflects the corresponding Resource level in each Experience Mode, i.e. if it is set to "Low," no Hunting Knives will spawn, as in Interloper.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where players could walk through the tree at the crouch tutorial location in Episode One.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue with Wolf feeding animation at Paradise Meadows Farm in Episode One.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where Region information was appearing at incorrect times when transitioning from interior to exterior locations.
*[Wintermute] Fixed several issues that could block progression during Grey Mother missions in Episode One.
*[Wintermute] Improved camera position when interacting with Astrid's Case at the beginning of Episode One.
*[Wintermute] Added a decimal point to Deer Meat amount in player's inventory for Episode Two, adding clarity to the completion of the "Survival School" missions.
*[Wintermute] Removed feeding Wolf from Forlorn Muskeg Region that would appear unaffected by the Aurora.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where an error message could appear after progressing to Day 5 in opening Survival Bowl section of Episode One.
*[Wintermute] Players can no longer place a Storm Lantern on Grey Mother's head.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where inventory items could be lost after cancelling out of a Trust interaction with Grey Mother.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue with icons sometimes not appearing on map in Episode One.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where player would sometimes be standing on a chair after finishing dialogue with Grey Mother.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue with mouse inputs instantly loading manual save files in the Story save menu.
*[Wintermute] Added fade to black transition at the end of Episode Two cinematic in Jeremiah's Cabin, to avoid potential gameplay interruption.

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艾的民 2024-5-23 14:14:58 显示全部楼层
180321 v1.27 [34908] 更新公告-1.jpg
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sjhfg58420 楼主 2024-5-23 14:15:18 显示全部楼层
180321 v1.27 [34908] 更新公告-1.png
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ThomasPa 2024-5-23 14:16:13 显示全部楼层
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mybvoancthvn 2024-5-23 14:16:39 显示全部楼层
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sjhfg58420 楼主 2024-5-23 14:17:16 显示全部楼层
180321 v1.27 [34908] 更新公告-1.png
我们升级到了1.27版本,包含Unity游戏引擎升级,并改变了游戏日志目录Debug Log到
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n23663159 2024-5-23 14:18:15 显示全部楼层
所以 第三章呢??
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klevyy1967kt 2024-5-23 14:18:37 显示全部楼层
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k19388633 2024-5-23 14:19:09 显示全部楼层
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sjhfg58420 楼主 2024-5-23 14:19:33 显示全部楼层
6、增加了地图中Scrub Brush的刷点(Scrub Brush好像是磨刀石?)
9、修正了使玩家患幽闭症的问题,在剧情模式(原文:all three Wintermute Experience Modes)中移除了幽闭症
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sjhfg58420 楼主 2024-5-23 14:20:11 显示全部楼层
8、修正了在穿越Mountain Town和Forlorn Muskeg Regions时没有屏幕信息出现的问题(这俩地方是哪?)
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lujtf 2024-5-23 14:20:31 显示全部楼层
第二章有了吗? 奇怪 为什么我到更新了还没有第二章
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r82673989 2024-5-23 14:20:39 显示全部楼层
我们刚刚将V1.07 [34908]中的漫长的黑暗修复过。这包括我们在最近的开发日记中讨论的统一游戏引擎更新,以及您将在下面详细介绍的众多其他修复程序。
C:\ Users \ USERNAME \ AppData \ LocalLow \腹地\ TheLongDark
The TheLongDark文件夹中,您将找到一个名为output_log.txt的文件。这是您的游戏调试日志。
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r82673989 2024-5-23 14:20:50 显示全部楼层
The Long Dark v1.27 [34908]更改列表
*更新重新布线的控制器API以改进使用PC / Mac上的游戏手柄/控制器的兼容性
* [Both]现在所有区域都会显示驼鹿符号划痕,并具有正确的颜色和纹理。
* [双方]修正了在米尔顿信用社办公室椅子后面蹲伏时,玩家可能被困的问题。
* [两者]均向米尔顿的逆戟鲸加油站添加了充电站标志。
* [两者]通过米尔顿的小雪,星空不再见见。
* [全部]修正了导致多雪的山坡出现在破碎铁路地区的洞穴内的问题。
* [全部]在卡特大坝的厕所中修复了缩小问题。
* [血液贴花]现在在收获或季节时正确显示。
* [两者]修正了在山城地区出现浮在地面上的一些玫瑰果灌木的问题。
* [双方]修正了在雪地中有时会看起来失真的脚步问 题目。
* [全部]修正了神秘湖入口附近山地城区的地形空隙。
* [两者]修正了Wolf Struggles期间武器外观不一致的问题。
* [两者]修正了山地城区域的倒塌隧道附近形形的问题,阻碍了玩家的移动。
* [生存模式]已修复的问题,环境遮挡改进在荒漠点的桥梁上不可见。
* [生存模式]固定的问题与不正确的雪地形出现在一个孤独的Muskeg洞穴。
* [生存模式]修正了退出建筑物可能导致黑屏的问题。
* [生存模式]解决Quonset车库附近拖拉机未正确照明的问题。
* [生存模式]在生存模式加载菜单中改进缩略图图像的显示。
* [生存模式]改进荒凉点的道路和桥梁纹理
* [Wintermute]神秘湖地区艾伦洞穴附近的猎人盲目物品现在具有正确的纹理。
* [ Wintermute]修正了第2集动画中不正确步枪移动的问题。
[Wintermute]修正Lake Cabin Key#2上的不正确项目纹理问题。
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sjhfg58420 楼主 2024-5-23 14:21:03 显示全部楼层
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