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More DetAIls On Eastern Europe Missions
On the current Dance of Dragons dev server, we’re showcasing the updated “[lbk]Domination[rbk] Eastern Europe” mission with destroyed bridges, planned for low-tier battles. The destroyed bridges on this location are meant to close the road to positions on the side of the river that has no capture points, which among other things will also mean you won’t be able to shoot at spawn points from those positions.
Alongside this, we’ve added the new “[lbk]Domination #2[rbk] Eastern Europe” mission to replace the old one. It has bridges intact, one capture point has been moved to the other side of the river, positions of the others have been moved, and additional spawn points have been added to the northern side of the river. This mission is planned for mid and high-tier battles and is already on the dev server right now. You can share your feedback on it in this forum topic.网页链接

The Battle Rating threshold where the second mission replaces the first mission is planned to be at approximately 4.0, which may be changed after testing. Vehicles at the threshold Battle Rating can get both versions of the map.
We’re also aware of a bug in Simulator missions where the bridges are destroyed, meaning paths to capture points go around the bridges and deep parts of the river.

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艾的民 楼主 2024-9-5 17:03:12 显示全部楼层
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