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<Version> = 5004391
<Language> = "#en.ini"
<Graphics.Resolution> = 1180x664
<Graphics.Mode> = 6
<Graphics.ComplexFilter> = 2
<Graphics.Threads> = 8
<Graphics.SimpleFilter> = 2
<Graphics.SystemCursors> = 1
<HD+> = 1
<HD+.RecentTimers> = "01:00 + 01:00 + 00:00", "01:00 + 01:00 + 00:00", "01:00 + 01:00 + 00:00", "01:00 + 01:00 + 00:00", "01:00 + 01:00 + 00:00", "00:00 + 00:00 + 00:00"
<HD+.Settings> = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0
<Memory.Mod> = 0
<Misc.TournamentSaver> = 0
<Misc.BattleSaver> = 1
<Packs> = "汉化包", "随机图无神迹"
<Sys.NoCD> = 1
<Sys.CPU.ReduceUsage> = 0
<Sys.WriteToIniInsteadRegistry> = 1
<UI.AdvMgr.SkipMapMsgs> = 1
<UI.AdvMgr.DragMap> = 1
<UI.Battle.HighlightOnHover> = 0
<UI.Battle.Queue> = 1
<UI.Battle.ShowAlwaysHeroInfo> = 1
<UI.CaPSAsEnter> = 0
<UI.ClipCursor> = 1
<UI.DarkTransitions> = 1
<UI.Ext.ScenarioMgr.Settings> = 4, 72, 2, 1, 4, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
<UI.Ext.ScenarioMgr.Folders> = 1
<UI.Ext.TownMgr.AvAIlableInsteadGrowth> = 1
<UI.HiRezCore> = 1
<UI.QuickArmyManagementMode> {0, 1} = 0
<UI.RecruitDlg.AutoSet> = 1
<UI.RecruitDlg.AutoSet.Max> = 0
<UI.Tavern.InviteHero> = 0
<UI.Town.SpaceAsEnter> = 0
<Update.CheckAtStart> = 1
<OpenGL.Wrapper.Version> = 2
<OpenGL.FixedRefreshRate> = 1
<OpenGL.Interpolation> = 4
<OpenGL.Upscaling> = 1
<OpenGL.SingleWindow> = 1
<OpenGL.Renderer> = 0
<OpenGL.UpdateMode> = 1
<OpenGL.SmoothMapScroll> = 1
<OpenGL.SmoothHeroMove> = 1
<OpenGL.Aspect> = 1
<OpenGL.VSync> = 0
<OpenGL.Benchmark> = 0
<OpenGL.ShowFPS> = 0
<OpenGL.Colors.HueSat> = 32768500
<OpenGL.Colors.RgbInput> = 65536000
<OpenGL.Colors.RedInput> = 65536000
<OpenGL.Colors.GreenInput> = 65536000
<OpenGL.Colors.BlueInput> = 65536000
<OpenGL.Colors.RgbGamma> = 500
<OpenGL.Colors.RedGamma> = 500
<OpenGL.Colors.GreenGamma> = 500
<OpenGL.Colors.BlueGamma> = 500
<OpenGL.Colors.RgbOutput> = 65536000
<OpenGL.Colors.RedOutput> = 65536000
<OpenGL.Colors.GreenOutput> = 65536000
<OpenGL.Colors.BlueOutput> = 65536000
<Show Intro> = 1
<AppPath> = "E:\英雄无敌系列\Heroes3\Heroes3\"
<Music Volume> = 0
<Sound Volume> = 0
<Last Music Volume> = 0
<Last Sound Volume> = 0
<Walk Speed> = 4
<Computer Walk Speed> = 4
<Show Route> = 0
<Move Reminder> = 0
<Quick Combat> = 0
<Video Subtitles> = 0
<Town Outlines> = 0
<Animate SpellBook> = 1
<Window Scroll Speed> = 1
<Bink Video> = 0
<Blackout Computer> = 0
<First Time> = 0
<Test Decomp> = 0
<Test Read> = 0
<Test Blit> = 0
<Unique System ID> = "RS4"
<Network Default Name> = "Player"
<Autosave> = 1
<Show Combat Grid> = 0
<Show Combat Mouse Hex> = 0
<Combat Shade Level> = 1
<Combat Army Info Level> = 1
<Combat Auto Creatures> = 1
<Combat Auto Spells> = 0
<Combat Catapult> = 0
<Combat Ballista> = 0
<Combat First Aid Tent> = 0
<Combat Speed> = 2
<Main Game Show Menu> = 1
<Main Game X> = 10
<Main Game Y> = 10
<Main Game Full Screen> = 1
{Optimized multithread adventure map rendering:}
<Graphics.AdvMap.Threads> = -1 {0 - off; -1 - autodetect; 1 and more - number of threads; 16 - maximum}
<Graphics.AdvMap.ShowFPS> = 0  {For testing only! Not for playing.}
<HD.QuickCombat> = 1

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