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主要补丁 1.1 现已推出!

就在圣诞节和新年之前,我们准备推出补丁 1.1。这是 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2:切尔诺贝利之心的第一个主要补丁,它将解决 1,800 多个问题,包括 A-Life 修复的第一次迭代。
A-Life 修复
修复了在玩家背后生成 NPC 的问题。
玩家现在可以更频繁地在区域中遇到漫游的 NPC。
大大延长了 A-Life NPC 对玩家可见的距离。
修复了阻止 A-Life NPC 处于离线状态(超出玩家的可视化范围)的激进优化问题。
在离线模式下,A-Life 将随着时间的推移继续朝着他们的目标前进。
玩家现在可能有机会通过与 NPC 相同的方向来遇到他们之前遇到的 A-Life NPC。
使用 GameGraph(全球 AI 导航地图)改进了 A-Life NPC 在离线模式下的导航:
修复了 NPC 无法遵循或找到通往其指定目标的路径的多个问题。
修复了 NPC 卡在 Online-Offline 过渡状态的几个问题,
增强了 A-Life NPC 扩大领土并主动攻击敌人和变种人的动机。
修复了可能导致遇到的 A-life NPC 数量少于预期的问题。
进一步的上下文操作改进,以确保参与这些操作的 NPC 在 Offline 和 Online 状态之间无缝转换。
修复了人类 NPC 在区域上漫游时无法满足他们的通信需求和交谈的问题。
AI 改进
修复了在 Rat 死于手榴弹后血腥视觉效果播放几次的问题。
修复了 NPC 在玩家蹲下时快速检测到玩家的问题。
修复了 NPC 在不打开门的情况下进入门的问题。
修复了控制器可以控制主线故事 NPC 的问题。
修复了 Chimera 会尝试进入无法进入的狭窄通道而不是躲在埋伏中的问题。
修复了 NPC 传送到安全区和枢纽等限制区域时的问题。
修复了 Burer 的心灵感应能力的视觉效果。
修复了 NPC 从掩体射击的次要战斗行为。
修复了 Burer 的投掷对象动画。
修复了 NPC 保持闲置并拒绝启动与任务相关的对话的一些问题。
修复了 NPC 卡在瞄准动画中的问题。
修复了重播作为僵尸复活的 NPC 的死亡动画时的问题。
修复了中立 NPC 在玩家被近战攻击击中后保持中立的问题。
修复了一些 NPC 在射击时手臂骨折的问题。
在有很多尸体的大型战斗中对战斗经验和 NPC 寻路的通用改进。
修复了 Player 能够在旋转木马异常的帮助下杀死嵌合体的问题。
修复了 NPC 从掩体射击时会穿过物体和墙壁的问题。
对 NPC 的和平行为进行了小幅改进。
修复了 NPC 在发射开始时不会停止战斗的问题。
修复了 NPC 在发射结束后卡住的问题。
修复了 NPC 无法构建路线时 NPC 可以传送的问题。
修复了 NPC 在加载存档后可能会停止相互交谈的问题。
并且修复了 50 多个小的 “异常” 。
修复了具有 Physical Protection 效果的工件提供最大可能效果的问题。
将“Goldfish”神器值更改为 14000 张优惠券。
修复了 A-Life NPC 可以在弹药夹装满的情况下死亡的问题。
Snork 的技能冷却时间增加 30%。
增加了与   的战斗难度。
修复了 Poltergeist 和 Burer 在某些情况下不会对投掷的物体造成伤害的问题。
从多个商家的分类中删除了 POS 8x 范围。
调整了 PSY 领域的伤害。
交付了 10 多个小修复。
修复了启用了 FSR 帧生成后 NVIDIA RTX 3000 系列显卡的性能下降问题。
修复了在 A Light in the End of the Tunnel 任务期间离开隧道时游戏卡顿的问题。
修复了通过蓝牙或电缆连接连接的 Razer Kishi Ultra 控制器无法正常工作的问题。
修复了 MSI Force Pro 无线控制器无法通过蓝牙或加密狗连接工作的问题。
修复了 Xbox X/S 控制器无法通过蓝牙连接工作的问题。
修复了启用 DLSS 的游戏内 UI 中出现的视觉伪影问题。
修复了建筑物在玩家的镜头中消失在 Factory 位置的问题。
修复了 Yantar 附近的建筑物在接近时弹出到 Player 视野中的问题。
修复了可能由大量水粒子产生的 fps 下降问题。
修复了在浅水中与尸体互动时的 fps 下降问题。
修复了多个 Fatal Errors、Low Level Fatal Errors 和 Assertion Failures。
总体而言,调查了 200 多起崩溃事件,并实施了进一步的修复。
修复了多个过场动画中缺少 NPC 的问题。
修复了主角和 NPC 在多个过场动画中可能具有空闲行为或身体/设备部分分离的问题。
修复了最终过场动画在 The Eternal Shining 任务中不播放的问题。
修复了 Back to the Slag Heap 任务结束时的过场动画没有开始的问题。
修复了 In Search of a Guide 任务过场动画中不可见的   的问题。
修复了玩家在 The Last Step 任务的过场动画中可能会死亡的问题。
总体而言,解决了 80 多个过场动画问题。
修复了 NPC 可能卡在不同位置的门口的一些问题。
修复了 NPC 在移动或战斗中触摸门导致门晃动的问题。
修复了当玩家没有 medkit 时激活治疗的交互提示。
并修复了多达 20 个其他相关问题。
Main Line Missions and Story Progression
Fixed over 15 bugs related to the On the Edge mission, including issues when   dying after entering the Zalissya clubhouse, bugs that prevented the   from healing, allowed   and mutants to get inside the , and others.
Fixed multiple issues with A Minor Incident mission, including an issue where journal stage   about the scientists was cancelled instead of completed after dialog with   if Player already had a mutant's collar, and bug with misleading marker in "Acquire the collar from the mutant" objective.
Fixed multiple issues in the Visions of Truth mission, where   might not spawn if loading a previous old save, “anomaly” where   could become hostile to the Skif, bug where the Player couldn't start the dialogue with the , and other things.
Fixed an issue when the player was unable to start dialogue with   after beating   squad during The Last Wish mission.
Fixed an issue when Player could get a softlock by wounding   and making him hostile during The Last Wish mission.
Fixed an issue when   was leaving his place at the balcony while the player fought with   during The Assault on the Duga mission.
Fixed an issue with   being stuck during   in The Assault on the Duga mission.
Fixed an issue when the player was unable to help the soldier, surrounded by   during the Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
Fixed an issue with   being dead at Quiet's camp during Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
Fixed an issue when a player was unable to progress through the Subtile Matter mission if he looted mission items before the mission started.
Fixed an issue with an absent   during An Act of Mercy mission.
Fixed an issue with the   would remain closed during the mission Wishful Thinking.
Fixed an issue when Player could get stuck in Ventilation under ARL building during Wishful Thinking mission, if headed there before talking to .
Fixed an issue with   not giving the mission dialog after killing blind dogs in the Dogfight mission.
Fixed the blocker where it was impossible to start the dialogue with   after turning off   during Hot on the Trail mission.
Fixed an issue with A Sign of Hope side mission being not available after completing Hot on the Trail mission.
Fixed an issue when   was missing from his mission location during or after emission if A Sign of Hope mission was completed.
Fixed an issue with endless   spawn in Chemical Plant during Escape from the Cage mission.
Fixed an issue where Player was not able to complete Explore Echo Station journal stage for Dead Frequency mission if   was found before getting intel from team Bravo.
Fixed the stealth path to   during the King of the Hill mission.
Fixed the issue where after , controls and horizontal camera movements are disabled after loading a save.
Fixed the issue with the unskippable black screen after the ending cutscene in There and Back Again mission.
Fixed the issue with absence of intro cutscene in There and Back Again mission.
Fixed the blocking issue where the objective Talk to Warlock about Hamster could not be completed if the player killed   before speaking   during the On the Fire mission.
Fixed an issue with the active Bandit Mayhem mission after Player returns cargo to .
Fixed an issue when the body of   disappears when he is killed during summoning action.
Fixed an issue where   would become hostile after attacking   during Shift Change mission.
Fixed an issue where users were able to access unintended areas at the Red Fortress location.
Added armors with psi defence for the "Get Psi Armor" objective during Ad astra per aspera mission.
Fixed issue with   standing idle at the pumping stations in Swamps region during Ad astra per aspera mission.
Fixed an issue when   were present in the Infirmary during the Happiness for Everyone mission.
Fixed a softlock issue where Answers Come at a Price mission doesn't progress after   were killed after emission.
Fixed the bug with   missing after .
Fixed an issue where the Dark Times mission could not be completed after talking to   during the Emission.
Fixed an issue where   could spawn in the closed garage during the The Boundary mission.
Fixed an issue that could cause   to disappear during a .
Fixed an issue where   would not die after destroying the last monitor during a boss fight.
Fixed an issue where   could be missing at marker location if Emission starts while player approaches Answers Come at a Price mission location.
Overall, over 250 bugs and blockers were fixed in the Main Missions section.
Side Missions and Open World Encounters
Fixed an issue when player could kill spectators during Arena fights on Rostok.
Fixed an issue when enemies could leave the Arena during the emission mid The Freedom Colosseum mission.
Improved balance for Arena fights on Rostok.
Fixed an issue when the guide in Enerhetyk Palace of Culture Hub could be used after point of no return during Down Below mission.
Fixed issue when   missions were uncompletable after the .
Adjusted when   appears after Vadyk Firecracker starts playing the melody.
Fixed situations when A-life NPCs killed Seryoga Root, Senya Noose and Haryk Jacket.
Fixed NPC blocking the passage in some areas of 100 Rads Bar.
Fixed Ward technician reputation.
Fixed an issue when encounters with   at Agroprom Underground didn't start after completing In Search of Past Glory by Spark.
Fixed an issue when the   gun remains as a mission item after killing the NPC that gives the mission to find it.
Fixed the issue when NPCs from the Rookie Village are missing after the The Legends of the Zone mission.
Fixed an issue when users can remain locked inside   when they shoot a   before the door closes.
Disabled spawn of   before activation of   at SIRCAA.
Fixed issue where encounter with begging Stalker wouldn't start after Monolith comeback
Fixed some issues in dialogue with NPCs at the Chemical Plant.
Fixed an issue where   was teleported away from Player after getting reward from him at 100 rads Bar.
Fixed an issue that could cause the game to freeze during the dialog in the mission A Matter of Honor.
Fixed an issue where the player was not able to find encounter with   after the end of the All that is left mission.
Fixed an issue where   could be missing at the The Sound of Music mission location after talking to them during the Emission.
Fixed an issue where the player was not able to progress the missions from   after the end of the On the Edge Mission.
With over 100 more bugs fixed.
Open World Direction, Exploration, and Zone Experience
Fixed that Lightning Ball sometimes gets stuck during movement in Opachychi village.
Fixed that sometimes artifacts did not appear in arch anomalies.
Improved dead bodies physics.
Fixed when player's equipment was damaged while player was crouching in Razor.
Fixed corpses disappearing issue.
Fixed stretched texture on some trees in the open world.
Fixed an issue with Toxic Cloud anomaly idle VFX.
Fixed an issue with rat swarms spawning above the cave in Mist archanomaly.
Fixed an issue when characters became wet in dry spaces after loading the last save.
Fixed an issue with sharp weather changes present at 4:30 morning time and 23:59 night time.
Fixed that Wandering lights anomaly doesn't always spawn its artifact.
Fixed issue with Bulba arch-anomaly sometimes not appearing.
Fixed issue with non-lootable corpses spawning at the border between Cordon and Lesser Zone regions.
Fixed that player was unable to reach the artifact near "Abandoned Hamlet" on Swamps.
Increase distance for combat barks.
Fixed an issue where NPCs would get stuck in a doorway during the emission in Zalissya hub.
Fixed an issue where NPCs could spawn and get stuck on isolated surfaces (cars, boxes etc.).
Improved bullet penetration visual effects.
Improved cloth simulation for corpses of NPCs.
Fixed issue with blood decals.
Fixed an issue where far distance areas of the environment appeared too bright at night.
Fixed an issue where Zombies' waking-up animation was restarted every time Player looked away.
Fixed an issue where sometimes an emission started during a cutscene would not end.
Fixed an issue where diggers around the Slag Heap did not stop being aggressive to Player after the end of combat.
And some other improvements.
Player Gear and Player State adjustments
Fixed issue that helmets don't have Psi and Rad protection.
Fixed issue with armors "SSP-100 Discovery" and "SSP-99 Ecologist" have no PSI protection.
Fixed issue when players can not install Lead Container upgrade on PSZ-5V Guardian of Freedom Suit.
Smoke was made less intense at shots from a weapon with silencer.
Fixed broken arm during magazine attachment to machine gun.
Fixed bullet visibility in magazine during reload.
Added splashing sound for bolts hitting the water surface.
Fixed an issue where empty shells were ejected instead of bullets when unloading after ammo type was changed.
Improved interruption for animation sequences with weapon reload and consumable items usage.
Fixed issue with bolt impact sound missing during long distance throws.
Minor fixes for rifle scopes appearance.
Fixed issue with items not being consumed when used via quick slot hotkeys.
Fixed issue where main weapon upgrades were applied to installed underbarrel modules.
Minor fixes for animations of jammed weapons.
Fixed an issue when the player was able to equip the detector with the primary weapon simultaneously.
The cause of death is now correctly displayed on the Death Screen.
Fixed issue where Player would clip into the wall or other object while performing a melee stealth kill close to it.
Fixed issue with VFX particles for psy phantoms missing, when shooting close to their models.
Fixed an issue that could cause losing controls after playing guitar.
Fixed an issue where player could get unlimited carrying capacity, upgrading unequipped armor.
Fixed an issue where player could get unlimited stamina after starting dialog while crouched.
And over 50 other issues were addressed.
Player Guidance, Game Setting and Menus
Updated in-game tutorials to improve first time user experience.
Fixed an issue where the player would approach a mission location and new weapons would randomly spawn and equip in hand.
Fixed an issue where the player is unable to swap compared weapons' positions while trading.
Enabled upgrades for X7 suit.
Added possibility to revert detachment of pre-installed modules in Upgrade menu.
Added unique markers for mutants with electro collars.
Reworked UI of system notifications for received items.
Updated descriptions of multiple armor upgrades.
Fixed issues where mission markers on NPC disappeared forever after NPC became hostile towards Player.
Removed ability to trade with NPCs at Noontide base.
Reworked a few UI elements in the Upgrades menu of the PDA.
Reworked design for a few icons in the PDA menu.
Fixed an issue where the upgrade tree UI changed its direction inconsistently after switching between different weapons.
Fixed missing animation for ammo type change from gamepad.
Fixed threat indication appearance after closing the main menu.
Fixed missing mouse scroll sound in PDA.
Fixed that output device option resets after restarting the client.
Fixed issue when after loading a specific save file, a black screen appears.
Removed redundant pop-up window on resetting settings to default.
Upscaling quality settings in options were translated.
Stashes marker color changed to violet.
Fixed technicians not being able to install certain armor upgrades.
Fixed that SSP-100 Discovery armor cannot be upgraded by any technician.
Fixed an issue where consumables could not be applied via quick slots.
Fixed issue where crosshair doesn't appear after reload if R button was pressed again.
Fixed scrolling issue inside a note in PDA.
Fixed an issue where the user would move slowly and was unable to sprint after loading a save file that was created when the user was leaning.
Fixed issue with "HDR White Point" option.
And alMost 100 other “anomalies” were fixed in this section.
Fixed the issue when "The four Winds" achievement cannot be received.
Fixed issue when "Bingo" achievement cannot be received.
Fixed issue when players were unable to unlock achievements in the EGS store.
Fixed the issue when the player was unable to load existing saves after the title and steam process was terminated unexpectedly.
Fixed issue with missing save files after PC\Xbox hard reboot.
Other improvements
Over 15 localization and voiceover updates.
Over 40 audio adjustments and volume tweaks of various types.
对一些角色和 NPC 的视觉效果外观进行了 20 多项改进。
以及 500 多个修复程序
与 VFX 相关的修复。
您的 GSC Game World 团队。

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主要补丁 1.1 现已推出!-1.jpg
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主要补丁 1.1 现已推出!-1.png
主要补丁 1.1 现已推出!-2.png

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liwado 昨天 19:22 显示全部楼层
主要补丁 1.1 现已推出!-1.jpg
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