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Things 3.20.9 待办事项清单
更新时间: 2024-08-20 12:59
人气: 161
文件密码: imac.ly (或无密码)
软件类型: 国外软件
界面语言: 简体中文
运行环境:Mac OS X 10.10或更高版本

Things is a task management solution that helps to organize your tasks in an elegant and intuitive way. Things combines powerful features with simplicity through the use of tags and its intelligent filter bar.Things 是一种任务管理解决方案,可帮助您以优雅直观的方式组织任务。Things 通过使用标签及其智能过滤条将强大的功能与简单性相结合。

  • Collect Your Thoughts – Get things off your mind quickly: no matter what app you’re in, a keyboard shortcut instantly reveals Quick Entry. Type your thoughts and save them to the Inbox. Or just talk to Siri on any device (“Remind me to…”) and import from Reminders.收集您的想法 - 快速摆脱您的思考:无论您使用哪个应用程序,键盘快捷键都会立即显示快速输入。输入您的想法并将其保存到收件箱。或者直接在任何设备上与 Siri 交谈(“提醒我...”),然后从“提醒事项”导入。
  • Get Organized – Create a project for each of your goals, then add the steps to reach them. For clarity, add structure with headings. Then group your projects by areas of responsibility, such as “Family”, “Work”, or “Health”. Review these regularly to stay on top of things.组织起来 – 为您的每个目标创建一个项目,然后添加实现这些目标的步骤。为清楚起见,请添加带有标题的结构。然后按责任领域对项目进行分组,例如“家庭”、“工作”或“健康”。定期查看这些内容,以便掌握最新情况。
  • Plan Your Time – See your calendar events alongside your to-dos and plan your time effectively. Create repeating to-dos for things you do every few days, weeks, or months – Things will remind you on the right day.计划你的时间 - 查看您的日历事件以及您的待办事项,并有效地计划您的时间。为每隔几天、几周或几个月做的事情创建重复的待办事项——事情会在正确的一天提醒你。
  • Make the Most of Your Day – Every morning, grab a coffee and prepare your list for “Today”: review previously planned to-dos and make quick decisions on what to tackle. Pick some more steps from your projects and then get going. The Today list is the only place you’ll need to look for the rest of the day.充分利用你的一天——每天早上,喝杯咖啡,为“今天”准备你的清单:回顾以前计划的待办事项,并快速决定要解决什么问题。从您的项目中选择更多步骤,然后开始。“今天”列表是您唯一需要查找当天剩余时间的地方。
  • Customize Your Workflow – Use tags to categorize your to-dos or add context. For example, tag places like “Office” or “Home”, or tag all your “Errands”, or everything you’re working on with “Kate”. You can easily find everything you’ve tagged via filtering or search.自定义您的工作流程 – 使用标签对您的待办事项进行分类或添加上下文。例如,标记“办公室”或“家”等地点,或标记您的所有“差事”,或您正在与“凯特”一起处理的所有事情。您可以通过过滤或搜索轻松找到已标记的所有内容。


What’s New最新消息

Version 3.20.9: 版本3.20.9:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.更新此列表时,发行说明不可用。



macOS 10.13.0 or later.macOS 10.13.0 或更高版本。
Apple Silicon or Intel Core processorApple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器

版本号 3.20.9
更新日期 2024.08.20
文件大小 未知
软件 游戏
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