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ChatGPT for macOS 1.2024.227
更新时间: 2024-08-23 11:16
人气: 97
文件密码: imac.ly (或无密码)
软件类型: 国外软件
界面语言: 简体中文
运行环境:Mac OS X 10.10或更高版本

OpenAI released the native ChatGPT desktop app for macOS.OpenAI 发布了适用于 macOS 的原生 ChatGPT 桌面应用程序。

With a simple keyboard shortcut (Option + Space), you can instantly ask ChatGPT a question.使用简单的键盘快捷键(Option + Space),您可以立即向 ChatGPT 提问。

You can also take and discuss screenshots and directly in the app.您还可以直接在应用程序中截取和讨论屏幕截图。

The app also enables you to start new conversations with photos from your computer, or new photos you take.该应用程序还使您能够使用计算机上的照片或您拍摄的新照片开始新的对话。

You can now have voice conversations with ChatGPT directly from your computer, starting with Voice Mode that has been available in ChatGPT at launch, with GPT-4o’s new audio and video capabilities coming in the future. Whether you want to brainstorm a new idea for your company, prepare for an interview or have a topic you’d like to discuss, tap the headphone icon in the bottom right corner of the desktop app to start a voice conversation.您现在可以直接从您的计算机与 ChatGPT 进行语音对话,从 ChatGPT 发布时可用的语音模式开始,GPT-4o 的新音频和视频功能将在未来推出。无论您是想为公司集思广益、为面试做准备,还是想讨论某个话题,都可以点击桌面应用程序右下角的耳机图标以开始语音对话。

With the release of ChatGPT for macOS, OpenAI has also unveiled the even more advanced GPT-4o model.随着 macOS 版 ChatGPT 的发布,OpenAI 还推出了更先进的 GPT-4o 模型。

GPT-4o is OpenAI’s new flagship model that can reason across audio, vision, and text in real time.GPT-4o 是 OpenAI 的新旗舰模型,可以实时推理音频、视觉和文本。

GPT-4o will be available in ChatGPT and the API as a text and vision model (ChatGPT will continue to have support for voice via the pre-existing Voice Mode feature) initially. Specifically, GPT-4o will be available in ChatGPT Free, Plus, and Team (with Enterprise coming soon) and in the Chat Completions API, Assistants API, and Batch API.GPT-4o 最初将作为文本和视觉模型在 ChatGPT 和 API 中提供(ChatGPT 将继续通过预先存在的语音模式功能支持语音)。具体来说,GPT-4o 将在 ChatGPT Free、Plus 和 Team(即将推出 Enterprise)以及 Chat Completions API、Assistants API 和 Batch API 中提供。

ChatGPT for macOS is now available to everyone.适用于 macOS 的 ChatGPT 现在可供所有人使用。

ChatGPT for macOS is currently undergoing gray testing.If you don’t have access to your account, you can use the following steps to skip verification.适用于 macOS 的 ChatGPT 目前正在进行灰色测试。如果您无权访问自己的帐号,可以按照以下步骤跳过验证。

1. Install ChatGPT client1. 安装 ChatGPT 客户端
2. Log in to your account2. 登录您的账户
3. After successful login, there will be a loading process of about 3 seconds before the “unavailable” prompt appears.3.成功登录后,会有3秒左右的加载过程,才会出现“不可用”的提示。
4. At this point, quickly press “command + Q” to exit the verification process.4.此时,快速按“command + Q”退出验证过程。
5. Re-open the ChatGPT client and you can use it!5.重新打开ChatGPT客户端,就可以使用了!


What’s New最新消息

Version 1.2024.227:版本1.2024.227:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.更新此列表时,发行说明不可用。



macOS 14.0 and Apple Silicon (M1 or better)macOS 14.0 和 Apple Silicon(M1 或更高版本)

版本号 1.2024.227
更新日期 2024.08.23
文件大小 未知
软件 游戏
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